
Recording Weekend

Hay D00dz!

Now is a pretty good time to be thinking "Hey, I wonder what the Stanford Band did last weekend." It's a good time because this past weekend was HUGE for Band. We recorded a new album!

Band records an album every four years. Last spring we looked to the heavens and saw that on November 9-11, 2007 the planets would align in such a way as to be ideal for putting some tunes on wax. (Figurative wax of course - this is 2007 at an elite research university. We've gone digital, baby.) The alignment of the planets didn't preclude a spot of rain and many, many noisy airplanes flying over Frost Ampitheater, but overall it was a great weekend for getting sick of endless repeats of album songs.

Most readers of this blog, being both residents of a capitalist nation and hopefully also fans of the band, will be wondering how they can get their hands on our new masterpiece. The album is due out in the Spring, and you can be sure that we will make it well known that it is available for sweet, sweet purchase. In addition to an announcement on our webpage and this blog, groups of bandies will be deployed to wander from city to city, literally singing the album's praise. We're also looking into NASCAR sponsorship, but we'd have to axe our donut budget to afford it.

Here are some photos, taken Sunday during a late lunch break.

Other exciting things happened during the recording...photos coming soon.