
So I guess we're on the internets

Heya. Thanks for checking out our site. I kinda made some of it, and now I'm making us this here blog. Check back often (hopefully) (maybe) (we're really lazy) and if you're lucky, you'll get to find out about upcoming rallies, games, funerals, inaugurations, and puppet shows we're performing at. Maybe you'll even get to hear about what our very own memb'ers think about the pressing issues of our modern American life, such as: "oh god Bush still has over five hundred days in office" or "man, they should really bring back The Angry Beavers."

I know, I know, you just can't wait.


Unknown said...

WOw, the InTeRwebS!!!

We seriously need a BBS, though. It'd do wonders to the e-mail deluge to have forums instead.

JR said...

I'm thinking about getting us a new / less shitty wiki, but after I take care of that I just might end up setting up some forums. I don't think anyone'd use 'em, but it's worth a shot.