
Lightning round blog action!

Hi there. Face here! Just kidding it's your old cohort Shotgun with some exciting blogtastic news. Now I must be brief because my dorm is about to deep fry a turkey to commemorate the 1.75 month anniversary of Thanksgiving (true story), but I just wanted to let y'all faithful readers know that the Band, or more specifically the courageous warriors of the bovine-inspired atonal metal 3-d representation of the average distribution of height were featured on the 6 o' clock news and we, always forthcoming in our quest to bring funk to the funkless masses, present you with glorious glorious embedded video of the profile on these media sluts (that's just what we call them behind their backs. Secretly it's all of our dreams to be interviewed by KPIX)

So keep an eye of these brave souls, especially tomorrow when Mike "Benedict Vader" Montgomery comes back to the Farm for a good ol' fashioned butt-whoopin' (fingers crossed). And tune in next week when we dish the goods about how the Band celebrated Martin Luther King Day (hint: it's better than whatever the Arizona band did)

P.S. It was just revealed to us that those scoundrels over at Tennessee won Best Pep Band in the Women's Basketball Coaches Association superlatives for 2009 despite clearly not measuring up and also not having a hot dog in their band. They must have been beaten into submission by hearing Rocky Top 10,000 times in one day.

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